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Tower personnel falling asleep

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Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2010
Reaction score
Listening to the news, you would think there is an epidemic of sleepy controllers in the nations towers. Now the head of the FAA's air traffic division has resigned because of it.
Although the press makes it sound like a dangerous life threatening situation, is it?

The Controllers are sitting in the tower during the doldrums of the night when there is very little traffic. I think one airport where "sleeping controller syndrome" struck had 4-5 arrivals in 5 hours. The Reno airport where the last incident occurred, had one lone arrival, a medical flt. who landed uneventfully.

The ATC union of course feels that the towers should be staffed more fully, with at least 2 people on duty at all times and only the expenditure of more money will solve this dangerous situation.

I am thinking why not close the towers down during times of low traffic and turn them into uncontrolled fields?

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