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Spinner Repairs - FAA Approved Process

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Mar 19, 2011
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Hi All. Just wanted to put out a post on aluminum spinner repairs and a way to legally have yours restored back to a safe, reliable part. At Aero Support Engineering (ASEI, Inc.), we and our local Atlanta FAA FSDO get quite a few questions about whether spinners can actually be repaired since the OEM's do not prescribe any repair procedures to address cracks, dents, front face damage, worn holes, etc. As you know, the OEM's would much rather have you replace yours with a new one, which is good business for them.
So...we performed an engineering analysis, invested in tooling, hired specialized A&P's/Repairmen, developed repair processes, and obtained all the necessary FAA/DER approvals for legally and safely repairing various types of spinners. Since then, we have gained tremendous experience - over 18 years - developing more repairs and now being able to repair just about every type of aluminum spinner assembly out there (over 7,500 spinners repaired to date). Our primary focus is to ensure every repaired spinner is a safe and high quality return-to-service part, while keeping the cost at a fraction of a new part price. We can handle most anything ranging from cracks/missing pieces, worn holes, dents, chafing, front face damage, and re-polishing, with turn time being quick...2-5 business days, depending on your needs.

Check us out at http://www.spinner-repairs.com or give us a call at 404-559-1946. Or you can just do an internet search for "spinner repairs" and we generally pop up first or near the top since we are the about the only FAA Repair Station (XNDR054L) specializing in spinner repairs.

Thanks to Piper Forum for letting us chime in here! We often find ourselves trying to "set the record straight" on there being a way to legally and safely have your spinner repaired, and we appreciate forums like this to get the word out. As a big "thanks", mention "The Piper Forum - code word, Brook" when you call us, and we'll knock off $25.

Have fun - Be safe!


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