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Smoke in the cabin??

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Feb 15, 2012
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I was flying a short flight and return, getting in some cloud time, and some approaches in conditions (CYFD -> CYZR -> CYFD), the day before the plane went into the shop for the tear up. Conditions were perfect, stable multi-layered stratus, no horizon, and with 800ft ceilings below, Gentlemen's IFR.

IAC, was flying along, about 2/3rds of the way along on the first leg, a bit of music playing, before descent checklist done, approach briefed, all was tickety-boo. Then I smelled a bit of smoke. Then I smelled a lot of smoke.

There was no visible smoke in the cabin, it did not have an electric smell, and clearly no flames coming out the cowl. All engine instruments were normal (nice to have that analyzer). I had a number of airports to choose from, although most were small strips with grass, and lots of farmer's fields, but with IFR ceilings that would be tricky. Closest with an approach was now my destination. I had lots of altitude, but that could work against you with flames aboard.

I kept sniffing around (not forgetting to fly), and then noticed that the smell was coming from the overhead vents only. There was no smoke smell low in the cabin from the floor vents. The vent fan was OFF. Played around with the vent levers to prove it out. If there was smoke coming from the engine (or the panel), it should be the reverse. So just kept flying to the closest approach. As I did, the smokey smell diminished, and then disappeared. On the ground, had a look around, all was well, and sure enough on the way back experienced the same thing, at about the same place, so clearly a fire somewhere down on the ground. TS had come through earlier, perhaps a brush fire.

It all had me thinking, was I making just one too many flights, before pulling the engine apart for a top overhaul! :)

* Orest
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