Went for a ride with a friend today, and saw what a GPS can do to a pilot. It was a beautiful day and we flew from Pittsfield Mass to Basin Harbor, a resort in Vermont, on lake Champlain, about 150 miles. Lunch, and return. (Recommended destination. World's most beautiful grass runway).
Anyway, he started fiddling with the GPS immediately after takeoff, and told me to fly the plane, which I did. I knew the way without reference to a map or any navigation device, and took the low altitude scenic route up lake George and lake Champlain. I don't think he saw much as he spent most of the time with his head down playing with the GPS. Same on the return flight. What a shame.
There is a place for GPS, but not on a recreational scenic flight. To me it resembled playing a video game on a computer . See the little airplane moving along the line!
Groundspeed readout was interesting, but, in my opinion, not worth ten grand.
Anyway, he started fiddling with the GPS immediately after takeoff, and told me to fly the plane, which I did. I knew the way without reference to a map or any navigation device, and took the low altitude scenic route up lake George and lake Champlain. I don't think he saw much as he spent most of the time with his head down playing with the GPS. Same on the return flight. What a shame.
There is a place for GPS, but not on a recreational scenic flight. To me it resembled playing a video game on a computer . See the little airplane moving along the line!
Groundspeed readout was interesting, but, in my opinion, not worth ten grand.