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Possible regulator issue?

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Apr 19, 2015
Reaction score
Hello all. So I posted a topic on replacing the alternator on my 140. A little history on what happened to cause me to pull the alternator....about 2 months ago i heard a squealing in the radio. It gradually got worse and load meter would pulse to the beacon(between 15 to 18amps) finally doing a runup a few weeks ago, the squealing stopped and ammeter went to zero.....I also could hear some loud clicks on the radio. I suspected alternator. We took it out, got it rebuilt and re installed today with my ame. We went to start up and no change. Except the weird thing is, when we pulled the rpms back(around 1500 to idle) the ammeter would respond and seem to work for a bit. If we raised the rpms the ammeter would go back to zero. We also had a multimeter on the battery and it was corresponding to what the ammeter was telling us(12.4 volts when the ammeter showed zero load and 13.9 when it temporally showed load. Both ame and I are stumped. He did a few checks....field power etc. We are leaning to the side of voltage regulator but not sure. It has a Zeftronics R1510L regulator with the old school 37 amp alternator and prestolite OVC. Anyone run into these symtoms?

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