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Pilot Activated Lighting Doesn't Work

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Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2010
Reaction score
Anyone have this problem? My comm radios work just fine. No matter whether I transmit on C1 or C2, or even press the PTT switch on the pilot's or co-pilot's yoke, my radio won't turn on PAL's. Flying last night to two different airports and the same thing. I just called Unicom and asked them to switch on the lights. Call went fine, lights went on. But I previously tried many times to switch the lights myself, all intensities (3, 5 and 7 clicks) .... nothing. The clicks were audible in my headset, but nothing. I even flew directly over the second field and still nothing.

I can't find much on how the system actually works. What type of modulation does the system really want. I know the clicks are supposed to be within 5 seconds, but what's too fast or too slow?

My radios are not new but work just fine with good range. Any ideas?

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