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Petition the White House on User Fees

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Mountain Pilot

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
An online petition to the White House on removing Aviation User Fees

I am forwarding this, I received it from the Cessna 150 Forum

The White House put up a petition section to allow us to petition the government directly.
If you get 5,000 signatures, they will at least consider any petition that is brought forth. It still needs at least 150 to be publicly searchable, however.

I created a petition on taking user fees off the table, and it would be fantastic if you guys could both sign the petition (this requires creating a whitehouse.gov account) and forward it to all the other pilots you know, that would be great.

The petition is available here: http://wh.gov/gvz

It must get 5,000 signatures by Oct. 23, 2011 to be considered. This, of course, doesn't guarantee any action, but it will at least directly let the administration know that there are a lot of people who care about the issue at hand.


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