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over extended nose strut: out of nowhere!

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Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2010
Reaction score
I have seen this on occasion in another cherokee I flew, usually due to a bad landing or some such, and it was fixed by just hauling down on the prop or a good hard braking action. On my 180, which admittedly I'm still getting to know, on returning from a 3 hour round trip with good landings at both airports, I found the nose strut to be WAY over extended, like maybe 3 fingers x 3... tried pulling down on the front end, pushing up on the tail cone, taxiing and hard braking, and even took it around the pattern again to try another landing on it. It didn't budge, like it's hung. I am open to any and all comments on this - I have no idea why it happened (ok, I adjusted tire pressure in the nose wheel this weekend, this was by far the warmest day I flown this plane since acquiring it, prior owned did add air to the strut before delivery in early dec because it had got very cold right around then and it was sitting a little low, other than that I have seen no issues with the strut, it's been kept nice and clean, and hasn't changed in its standing position thru several flights up until today. Any ideas?

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