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NFL week 1

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Jan 25, 2013
Reaction score
Because there's more important things than politics ;).

Saints are back. ATL doesn't really deserve to be talking about Super Bowls when they aren't even the best team in their division, the Saints have beaten them in 11 out of the last 14 games over a span of 7 years.

Glad to see Reggie Bush doing well in Detroit. Detroit has done everything right to build a good football team other than having good offensive line play and a running back, and Reggie Bush can be that running back for them, IMO, he's a perfect fit for their play style.

Not surprised that the Patriots are struggling. They operate on a shoestring budget and that's all fine and good until someone gets hurt. They better guard Brady like the Crown Jewels. Although it would be nice to see local product Ryan Mallett get a shot to replace Brady if the worst happens.

I'm amazed that Tom Coughlin, at his age, can put in the time to run an NFL team. In fact I don't think he can, which is why they always start out bad and sort it out later. 6 turnovers in week one is a sign of a poor training camp.

How bout the Titans? Beating the Steelers on the road in week one is a huge step forward, good job TN. The steelers are gonna have to make a coaching change and get younger.

Andrew Luck is in fact all he was cracked up to be. He looks effortless in his dismantling of NFL teams in only his second year.

Baltimore will suffer badly from the loss of Ray Lewis and a Super Bowl slump, I suppose. Which is why it was a mistake to pay Joe Flacco such an outrageous amount of money.

Everyone forgets about the Seahawks but Pete Carroll has done a fantastic job with that young team, I think. Russell Wilson has the best young arm in football and until he is mature enough for late playoff runs, they have defense and Marshawn Lynch to carry the load. I think they can beat San Francisco in that division. Over the long term, I think they're better off than San Francisco is, based on the better choice of QB.

But San Fran still has that defense, and Anquan Boldin has put more than one team over the hump in the playoffs before. If the 49ers were smart they'd pay him enough to keep him happy and just ditch Crabtree, who has yet to produce at a level comparable to his college hype.

Being a Saints fan I don't buy into big name receivers, TO and Randy Moss don't have Super Bowl rings, but the Saints receivers from Hofstra and the University of Toledo do. Boldin is an exception, though. He earns his money wherever he goes no matter who the QB is.
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