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Motor done dancing the shop says..what are my options...

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Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2011
Reaction score
Well, after a happy call stating that they could rebuild just the cylinder, today they called to inform me that it couldn't be saved, and they wouldn't even recommend a field overhaul. Piston let go a little bit I guess. I didn't find any pieces in the screen, they said it may not have made it there yet.

They say they found a motor on barnstormers for 3000, and I found a few on eBay for 7-9. They are coming out of Cherokees, but one is an e2a, but out of a glasair. The shop also brought up the idea of just salvaging the plane.
I don't think I'd get much that route, and I'd like for my wife to be able to train in it in the future.

I'm open to ideas and suggestions before I proceed. I'd like to try and keep it airworthy if my wallet allows.

What if I do buy an airworthy motor, what do I do with the old one? How do I go about getting things tagged to be resold, if possible? I'm out of my realm.

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