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Mogas mixing question

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Oct 28, 2011
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I've got STC for running Mogas, 87 min AKI in my PA-28-151. I have ethanol-free, 92 octane available locally at a fuel distribution company that's about $2-$2.25 cheaper than local FBO.

I want to start mixing this 92 octane and 100LL, but I want to keep track of my mixture rate so I can say at any one time "I've got a x% of 100LL in the left tank, and y% in the right tank".
My plan is to try to keep them at the same %, but that'll prob never happen.

Question - for those of you that mix, do you keep track of such mixture details? Do you keep track of %, or possible just keep track of mixture ratios, or do you just keep track of "I've got fuel in the tank, so I'm good to go".

I'm trying to come up with a .xls where I can keep track of the current mixture %, but it's taking me longer than I thought to get the math correct...prob need to sit down with a couple of margaritas and pound out the match.

Any ideas?

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