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Apr 25, 2010
Reaction score
Western Massachusetts
I just returned from a trip to see my “Oil Man” son in Houston. Here are a few of his aviation related observations…

1. Emirates airline has a very impressive row of Airbus 380s at their airport.
2. Luxury class on Emirates puts even the Asian airlines (e.g.: Singapore) to shame. My son’s Arab clients don’t blink an eye at the costs involved with such travel.
3. If you plan to visit any Arab state don’t visit Israel. If your passport shows an Israeli stamp they won’t let you in
4. There is a direct nonstop flight from Amsterdam to Houston. It’s flown using a 737-800! I guess it must be running on fumes.

I am pleased to report that my travel to and from Houston on 737s did not involve any exploding fuselages.

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