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May prclaimed GA Appreciation Month in WA

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Frank L

Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2010
Reaction score
This is interesting because we just came off the heels of a very intensive fight to keep an increase in Excise Taxes off of WA airplanes. All of the State Senate R's had opposed the increase.
The increase was part of a plan to plug a big hole in the State's budget. The D's Senata and House wanted the tax and really didn't care that it would be a very serious problem for aviation.
The provision to increase the excise tax was defeated.
The Governor is a D also.

Washington proclaims value of GA
By AOPA ePublishing staff

More than 20,000 pilots and nearly 12,000 general aviation aircraft call Washington state home. Gov. Christine Gregoire has recognized the importance of GA to the state by proclaiming May General Aviation Appreciation Month in Washington .

“General Aviation plays a vital role in the state’s response to emergencies and natural disasters, and many communities depend on it for the continued flow of commerce and tourists,” the proclamation notes.

It cites the critical role GA plays in the lives of Washington citizens, businesses, and farm operations, as well as its economic impact: GA represents $490 million in economic impact, supporting 178,375 jobs in the state, the proclamation says.

Proclamations like the one in Washington illustrate that political leaders are aware of the many benefits of their state’s aviation industry. AOPA continually promotes the benefits of GA to lawmakers in each state and monitors all legislative actions that could affect the community.

http://www.aopa.org/advocacy/articles/2 ... 422wa.html

Frank L

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