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Looking for Dakota with Air Conditioning

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Florida Dude

New Member
Sep 14, 2010
Reaction score
Hi all,

I am looking for a nicely equipped Dakota of any vintage with air conditioning. It should ideally have 100-500 hours post-OH/reman (but I am flexible on this), and have a decent set of avionics for the price (super deluxe bonus points for a Garmin CNX-80/GNX-480) . It should also be mechanically clean, no or very minimal corrosion. Paint and interior are irrelevant, as these are relatively cheap fixes. Some DH is ok if it was minor and repaired to spec.

I've already vetted and dismissed all the airplanes in ASO, TAP, Barnstomers and Controller...so I'm looking for one "not quite for sale" someone who has been mulling it over.

The air conditioning is non negotiable. It's a must have...or so my SO tells me.

Thanks for any leads!


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