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Hello, Just took delivery on 1979 Dakota

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Aug 29, 2015
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New to this website/forum and wanted to introduce myself.

Due to work and a divorce I have been absent from flying for the past nine years. Although my son is still to young to reach the rudder pedals I wanted to buy a plane that we could take some trips in and introduce him to aviation. Not to mention build some great memories along the way.

I've owned a few other Pipers, PA-28-180, PA-32-300, PA-34-200T as well as a Pilatus PC-12. The 180 had always been my favorite and was the main reason I looked at the Dakota when I decided the buy another plane.

In August I just took delivery on a well equipped Dakota. Only one major item that came up on the pre-buy, a broken engine mount that was fully repaired.

Just got the plane back from the shop and took it flying and I'm loving the bird already.

I do have one question for the group. The plane came equipped with factory air and the shop did a complete checkout with no leaks. It blows 55F but to me the force of the air coming out of the overhead vent is really poor, even with the blower on high. What is considered normal and is there anything that can be done to have the air come out with more force? Should floor vents be closed or other suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

- Paul

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