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Hello from southeastern Minnesota!

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May 15, 2024
Reaction score
Hi everyone - my name is Justin Haase and I'm joining and supporting the forum initially in search of a part for my flying club's Piper Archer II. I'm based out of Rochester, Minnesota (KRST).

I'm VP for the Southeastern Minnesota Flying Club - https://www.semfc.org/ and have had my private certificate since August of 2022. Up to around 130 hours at this point, have flown in to Oshkosh as a passenger once (my CFI and another CFI were up front in a Bonanza - was a lot of fun). I actually started my training on a C172, but the school sold their Cessnas and I converted to Piper. Trained and passed my private pilot in Archer III, the club I'm in has an Archer II.

That's all for now. Looks like a great board with lots of useful information and participation. Thanks!

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