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Flying VFR to Canada Eh?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
With my new shiny passport in hand, Im looking to fly up to our refrigerated (We've had -22F weather here) friends up north in the next couple of months (275NM from 32S to Calgary). Just doing some preliminary checking on what i need to do and wondering if anybody can add to it.

1. Passport, Photo ID, (Birth Certificate?)
2. Don't go above 12,500 without asking ATC.
3. Be on a VFR Flight plan.
4. Proof of insurance. (Does a print out of my agreement work or do i need something more official?)
5. Land at ports of entry going and coming.

Do I need w&b data to be on board? and anything else you can think of to make the flight less of a headache?

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