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Do I have to keep my plane at the airport where I train?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Reaction score
I've finished my requirements and I am now just practicing to prepare for my checkride. All lessons at this point are merely mock checkrides to see if I'm ready and to make sure I don't pick up any bad habits. Problem is, the airport where I train (KTCY) has crappy winds. In order for me to get any practice, I have to get up at 0400 in order to get to the airport by sunrise, when the chances of the winds being calm are much better. (Not today, though. My limitations are 12kts and they were 16 kts gusting to 24, and 20 degrees off the runway, at 0600.)The airport nearest my home (KSCK) has much better winds. (This morning at 0600 they were 8kts straight down the runway with no gusts.) I plan on moving my plane to KSCK after I get my license, as it is only 15 mins from home where as KTCY is 30 mins. (I chose to train at KTCY because it was a part 61 school, and I loath classrooms, lectures, and schedules.)

I'm signed off to land at KSCK (to practice as that is where the local examiner usually takes you) as well as an alternate (KMOD). So I was hoping that I could move my plane to my local airport, and either fly to KTCY (winds permitting) for tuneup lessons or pay my instructor to drive 15 mins to my airport (KSCK) for the lesson.

Does anyone know if this is legal? (I've got a text in to my instructor, but as he is fairly new he may not know the answer.)
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