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Cold Start, Engine Heat Enough?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2011
Reaction score
I plan to move my plane tomorrow. It's at an airport about 25 miles from the home-drome. I went there just as this nasty,cold, & windy weather approached, on our way back from FL. It is securely tied down outside, facing West, mostly into the wind. I have my cover on & pitot blade covered. They want $100 for 1 night or 4 hours in a heated hanger, time doesn't matter. They said they can plug the Tannis heater in 4-5 hours prior for $10. The FBO across the field will do it for much less but getting there is a real issue.

My battery is in good shape, a Concorde. I guess I'll find out if 5 hours of the Tannis heating the 15w-50 oil will be enough? I also have auto windshield deice & spray deice to take care of any frozen precip. It will get down to 8 degrees or so tonight. I guess it's a $90 difference since I'll be paying the $10 anyway. Yes, the heated hanger would avoid the deicing issues. Not to be to cheap but good enough for a start, providing I do my part cranking?

I do realize there may be frozen crud/ice tucked away & I will be sure the controls work fine. It's been very wind & it started as rain & wet snow. I just don't want to park it in my unheated hanger & have ice in an area it shouldn't be. It is supposed to warm above 40 the end of the week though.

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