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Cirrus Pilot Lands on Road

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Senior Member
Apr 21, 2010
Reaction score
How bad is this for the Cirrus Pilot to land on a road and mistakes the road for the airport which was west of his postion and blames the GPS for the error in landing on the road. I think seeing telephone poles on short final might be a clue you aren't lined up with a runway, not to mention no runway centerline or runway numbers might be a clue, anyway the Cirrus landed with all its avionics and the Pilot flipped out and blamed the GPS System after takiing out a bunch of mailboxes. Anyway no one was hurt on the ground and the pilot walked away unhurt too.

Maybe the Road needs some Yellow X's for the dumb pilots flying in the area, all that avionics in the Cirrus doesn't you Zippo if yopu don't know how to use it, I am thinking he should have zoomed in a little better :lol:

http://www2.tbo.com/news/news/2011/nov/ ... ar-326621/

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