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Brand New BLUE PA28 Floor Mats 1963-1972 PA28 FREE SHIPPING

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Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
So after holding back, not buying floor mats and stomping Snow and crud on my new RED carpet for a month and a half. I was presented with brand spanking new set of BLUE floor mats for christmas... Somebody forgot to select the right color when ordering, so instead of eating the shipping on the way back and not wanting to show my patriotic side every time I fly. I'll ship them to somebody FOC if they want them. Paypal me 79.95 and They're on their way. They are the tnwings.com variety found here http://tnwings.com/catalog/index.php?ma ... ducts_id=1

That's 20 bucks less than you can order them for.
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