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Bonanza in-flght breakup fatal accident

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Well-Known Member
May 5, 2015
Reaction score
A V35B Bonanza on an IFR flight plan, and apparently in IMC, suffered an in-flight breakup and fatal crash yesterday (May 2) over Long Island NY. The flight originated at Myrtle Beach SC (KCRE) and was at 7000 ft. in cruise enroute to Plainville CT (4B8) when the pilot radioed a mayday. Parts of the plane subsequently were observed by witnesses falling into a residential area.


I saw later news reports stating that the mayday call indicated that the plane's vacuum system had failed. Three dead. Sounds like a classic loss of control after vacuum failure tragedy. Makes me glad that I have a backup electric AI and AHRS-derived synthetic vision through my GDL 39 and iPad/Pilot App combo. On the other hand, I sure wouldn't mind having a BRS chute as a fallback in case my piloting skill wasn't up to the challenge.

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