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Aztec - fuel use oddity?

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Jeff K

Senior Member
Apr 28, 2010
Reaction score
Been flying alot lately, and on occasion after a trip, I'm finding my selected tank fuller then it should be, and a unselected tank lower then it should be. The first time I noted it, I thought perhaps I hadn't checked the selected tank. I'm pretty careful about that, but I didn't know how to explain it. Today I was very careful check and double check the tank. I flew with the inner mains, both to the top. At my destination, I had the FBO fill both the inners. The right took ~10 gallons, about what I'd expect. The left only took 3 gallons. Both had been to the top before Ieft. I even had the airport manager come out and check my fuel selections, and they were all correct. Unfortunately, the left outer hadn't been topped, so we couldn't see if that was it. I then flew after that, I had everything topped, but the problem didn't repeat itself.

Anyways, my question is can internal leaks develop in the fuel selector that might allow a crossfeed to exist? I'm seeing no external leakage what-so-ever.

In the short term, I'm going to only fly with full tanks so I can more fully confirm what is going one.

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