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Avionics, there has to be a better way

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Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Why can't avionics be simplified, why am I paying 200 bucks for a small piece of plastic that can only be obtained by one magician in Texas? Looks to me like you could just run some sort of common bus strip across the back then plug and play and have all avionics use a common plug. Granted I realize my plane was built in 1963 and Im putting 15 year old + equipment in there but sheesh I've never been so happy to find a 1 inch square piece of molded plastic for 200 bucks. THEN i just paid 45 bucks for a 3 dollar card reader that has been out of production for probably 10 years, but it's blessed by BK so multiply the cost by 15. I feel like Im on some sort of quest when the avionics guy wants me to do a parts search.

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