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Archer Down

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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
Update on the sale of my Archer to the group from Central America. Upon completion of the sale, the company that bought it sent two commercial pilots up to Southern California to ferry the plane back to central America. The pilots set out on a course that took them through Mexico. Their first stop was 462 miles with a reported 30-40 knot headwind. Reports have them crash landing in the desert approximately 80 miles short of their destination. The pilots were both uninjured. The airplane sustained major damage. The location was so remote that the pilots had to be airlifted by Mexican authorities. No official word back on the cause of the engine failure. By my math they needed about 65 gallons of fuel. Point of interest: This Archer has 48 gallons of useable.

What a shame. This was a low time airframe (3900 hours). Not a lot of these older birds left. This one was a real gem.

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