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Anybody with a Saratoga near Columbus OH?

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New Member
Aug 31, 2014
Reaction score
I'm in the very early stages of acquiring an airplane, and the hardest part so far seems to be finding one that 1) I fit in, and 2) will be able to carry my family long-term. I'm a tall guy at 6'5" and about 220 lbs, and I suspect my two kids will eventually be similarly proportioned, which makes it difficult to find anything that will carry the four of us. Looking at all the aircraft on the market, I've gravitated toward the Saratoga as one that appears to have a lot of pilot headroom (from what I read online anyway) and can carry a lot of weight. Someone called it the "SUV" of aircraft. So my question is, is there anybody with a Saratoga in the Columbus area that would be willing to let me sit in it with my headphones on to see if my head clears the ceiling? I see that there's an aircraft dealer just west of Dayton with a few Saratogas for sale, but it's a 1.5 hour drive I'd like to avoid if there's one closer to me.

Thanks for the help!

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