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AD95-26-13 oil cooler hoses confusions

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May 14, 2012
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I've done a little searching here and not found much other than some brief generic oil cooler hose threads, and even in some of them it seems they don't have the whole story. I thought I'd offer up a little discussion on them for additional input. In the last couple of months, I've had two PA-28s in my shop, one a 235 for a pre-buy and the other a 151 for an Annual. The 235 had been inspected in January 2013 IIRC. The hoses had exceeded their calendar date by over 4 years. The seller was surprised because the IA who did the inspection 'usually catches those things'. When he contacted him about my finding, his argument was that the AD only applied to front mounted oil coolers. While I disagreed because the AD starts out with something like 'front or rear mounted oil coolers'. I said I'd be OK with that if he could provide some documentation. He provided a copy of the AD highlighting only the paragraphs and drawing showing the front mounted coolers. The seller agreed this guy wasn't reading the entire AD. He had the hoses replaced. Not wanting to start a peeing match, I let it go on my part 'cause I know what I read. The 151 was brought in recently for an Annual and I can't tell you how long it was since the hoses had been replaced. I finally found it but they exceeded the calendar time by 10 years. Not replaced 10 years ago, but over 18! However, nearly every IA (5 or 6 at least) had been 'inspecting per AD95-26-13'. Deciding that I MUST be missing something I called my local FSDO and had a long talk with them. Apparently I am interpreting it correctly and some others are not. As my interpretation as well as the FSDO, regardless of the hose type installed, they are to be replaced every 8 years or 1000 hours. Period. If Type D hoses are installed, the 100 hour inspection is not required, but recommended, but not required, but even Type D are to be replaced at the 8 year or 1000 hour interval, whether they are front or rear mounted. I was talking with a Piper tech rep on another matter and brought up this AD and thought maybe they and the FAA should superscede the AD, like they've done in the past with others, clearing up this apparent confusion. He said neither probably would because they can't help that people are not reading and comprehending the AD, it clearly states the compliance requirements as it is and I guess you can't fix stupid. There's no telling how many Cherokees are running around unairworthy due to just these guys and if something happens, some folks are going to have problems. So my thoughts are, make sure your oil cooler hoses are current, because there is definitely confusion out there. I'm just curious what others may think or interpret and if it's different from what the AD says, provide that info. Thanks.

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