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  1. D

    New Fuel Selector Valve (6S122) Position Question

    Hello Everyone, I have a '67 140, original fuel selector valve with the flat metal cover (called Gen 1 from what I've read). I have ordered all the parts to replace this with a new Allen selector P/N 6S122. I have the new plastic fuel selector valve handle with the metal insert, a new plastic...
  2. F

    Winterization plate?

    I've reviewed the options (including Gorilla tape) for a winterization plate for my '73 PA-28 140 and the current configuration does not match what I can find for an OEM plate. So, I'd appreciate some insight from the Piper gurus on the forum. Here's a photo:
  3. sanjiv

    What a Coincidence

    Wanted to post this for a while now, but my procrastination :(. Since 2015, I have a piper Dakota N8465S based @ N14. Someone at our field bought a Cherokee 140, and happen to get the tie down spot right next to me, so we are ramp neighbors. Realized the coincidence with the tail number when I...
  4. SpaceJoel

    Wipe on clear coat?

    Hey folks, relatively new owner of a '67 Cherokee 140 here. The bird is in good mechanical shape but the factory paint is showing its age. After getting the big numbers from paint shops on a refresh, I've realized that the "patina" is growing on me and I'm thinking about clear coating it to...
  5. E

    PA 28-235 Spinner

    I had some difficulty with a spinner on my PA28-235 (1963 vintage). There were no spinners (aluminum) to be found new or used. The only spinner I was able to find was from TCB Composites (Fiber glass). Long story short I went through two of these composite spinners and they just were not...