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Wiping down landing gear struts just got easier!

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Jul 26, 2017
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Preventive maintenance is so important. Try my Strutwipes and find out why they're better than a rag! www.strutwipe.com

6 X 6-SW-756 copy.jpg


Strutwipe logo_dark blue.jpg
Absolutely! Just go to www.strutwipe.com and select contact us. For all Piper users, type Piper Forum and I will send a 4X4-SW-756 sample for you to try out. You will see why Strutwipe is better than a rag! If you like, give me a call 520-975-7286.


I received an email from a Piper Forum member. He asked what make's my Strutwipe superior to a clean cloth of shop paper towel. Here is my reply:

Congratulations on lasting twenty plus years in industry! I say that because I was laid off more time than hired ��
You pose an excellent question. What make Strutwipe superior? When the economy tanked in 2003, laid off again, I took a fulltime position with the Air National Guard here in Tucson and went back to school. Years later, I became an engineering research student at the University of Arizona, so I had access to optical spectrometer, humidifiers, calibrated ovens, tensile test equipment, and ect. I went through hundreds of diverse types of cloth and paper material and the current cotton woven wipe I use had the best capillary effect, tensile strength, fluid retention, debris removal, and non-fraying quality. I also tested them on the F-16 when I was at work. This wipe held up the best. My unit is a training unit, so it is very high tempo and the struts usually start to leak around 200 flight hours, a lot of touch and go. My aircraft’s struts went 600 hours before going into phase maintenance for mandatory landing gear change. The testing took two years to complete before I was satisfied with my product.
A paper towel will work but I compare it to using a Snap On wrench over a Craftsman’s wrench. My Strutwipes just work better and are more convenient. BTW, I would get three flights out of one 6X6 Strutwipe.
I'm the Piper Forum member mentioned above. I got my sample (Thanks!), and am now offering my review of the product. As you can see in the first pic, it comes in a foil-type resealable bag. Simply tear the top off and the wipe is there ready to use as shown in the second pic.

So I wiped my struts with it. And it did work quite well. The feel of it is different than that of a paper towel with 5606. It almost feels as though there is a very mild abrasive quality to to the wipe that scrubs off any caked on deposits without scratching the oleo. Is it superior to a paper towel with 5606 on it? Hard to say really. Would I buy a bunch of these to use instead of paper towels and 5606? Probably not. But I would buy a dozen of them to keep, and take on overnight trips with me, and maybe hand out a few to my friends.

The last pic shows the wipe after having done its job and being put back in the pouch. Do I think StrutWipe is a good product? Yes, definitely. Is it going to change the way the world wipes their struts? Likely not. But it is a convenient and handy item to have, especially if away from your hangar or home station where you keep all your supplies. Just keep a couple in the seatback pouch, and you'll be all set to keep your struts clean on overnight or extended trips.



Like RickS I also tried using my sample Strut Wipe today. My results were the same. It did the job and can be reused again. Thanks for sending Mark.
Thank you. I'm proud that you found the samples useful. My end game is to earn my wings and become an aircraft owner myself. My hope is Sturwipe will pave the way to this dream. I believe in working hard but smartly; sure is better than begging on Go Fund Me.
Just ordered 10 of the 4x4 , will give a review after I use one ,, I often hit grass strips so looking for every advantage I can .

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