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Why should I install a Door Steward?

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Aug 21, 2010
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I've had my eye on these gizmos for a long time, and have come very close to pulling the trigger more than once, especially after the spring in my stock door holder mechanism broke a couple years ago. Instead, I got cold feet and ended up just replacing the spring in the stock mechanism, instead.

Those who have them seem to really love them. As @Orest @ CYFD posted in another thread (where someone is selling because they chose not to install after buying the part): "Really? It is one of the most nifty things I've added. Curious, why you don't want to install it?? It is an easy install. I really can't think of any downside." @Pa32guy added, "I love mine!"

The primary downside I saw was that I don't *always* want the door wide-open when it's unlatched, and unless I'm mistaken, that's what you get with the DS, right? This is the "commitment" I've been unwilling to make.

Especially in the summer, but really almost year-round where I live, I taxi with the door ajar for ventilation. It's one thing to be in motion around an airport with the door open a crack, but it's something else to have the door kicked full-open. More opportunities for anything loose to fly out ("my checklist! Aargh!"), or for debris entrained in the breeze to fly *in*. It also seems like it'd be that much harder when flying solo to reach over after the runup and grab the door to close it.

Those drawbacks would be on nearly every flight, for me.

On the other hand, I really like the idea of a door that swings wide open and firmly stays there...when I want it to. On days with light wind, and if the spring in the stock mechanism is working properly, then the stock door mechanism does this just fine. On windy days (even when the spring was broken) it is routine to just set my pilot bag on the wing at the door hinge to prop it open securely, though that does obstruct the opening somewhat. But there have been windy days when I didn't have my bag in place where the wind caught the door and whipped it about pretty good, especially when the spring wasn't there to help arrest that motion. Those were the days I was most in favor of having the DS...but those are relatively few, compared to the times the DS would be more of an annoyance as described above.

Finally, while Orest mentions that installation is "easy", I was also concerned that it would leave permanent scars on the plane if I decided I really didn't like it and wanted to go back to the stock mechanism. (I haven't thought about it for a while and can't remember the details, but I thought there was some drilling and/or riveting required.)

So: Have I made a good assessment of how the DS would (not) fit my needs? Or do the folks who have one see flaws in my logic?

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