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The Strategy of staying current

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Mar 12, 2017
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How does one stay current. Obviously the more certificates and ratings one has the harder it is to stay current.

Complex and high performance currency
Tailwheel currency
Instrument currency
Multi-engine currency
Sea plane currency
Night currency
IFR currency

One way is become a flight instructor and fly with students. Even so it is hard to stay current and it gets time consuming and expensive…

I do have a lot of flight time and have performed 23,700 landings and counting in an aircraft as PIC, SIC Dual and PIC…..It does add up when practicing landings with students in all phases of flight.

On occasion I get busy working, get sick, bad weather or travel and 90 days can go by before I fly again

So how do we stay current without breaking the bank……

An interesting read from flying magazine……In their opinion


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