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stumped fuel problem...

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Oct 3, 2020
Reaction score
Hey Gang-

We are stumped on this one. Arrow IV Turbo, FB engine. We couldn't get the idle right so when A&P adjusted the idle mixture he noticed the screw was bottomed out. We sent the fuel mixture assembly out for rebuild. When it came back we did a fuel set up & runs great. When we tried to shut down with mixture off we were getting pretty good run on. If you pushed throttle up to would eventually shut off. Spoke to the fuel folks & said it was probably the fuel manifold. We sent that off for rebuild and when it came back same problem. Next we sent the fuel pump off, put that back on, ran the fuel setup and still runs on....We took the vent line off the fuel manifold to see if it was plugged up but still no change..Kinda stumped. engine runs GREAT! any ideas???

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