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Required interior placards and location.

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Jun 18, 2011
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I know the TCDS seems to define the limited "required placards" for each model under the TCDS and states "In full view of the pilot" for several placards. The Parts Manual for each model/serial number range lists these "required" placards and numerous other placards, and shows the approximate location for each.

My questions,

Are only the placards listed on the TCDS required, and not those listed in the Parts Manual?

Since the TCDS specifies " In full view of the pilot", can the required placards be placed anywhere that the full view requirement is met, and not necessarily as noted in the Parts Manual?

Are all of the placards listed in Parts Manual for a particular model and serial number range required?

Are all placards required to be placed as depicted in the Parts Manual, with no allowance for alternative locations?

How do you owners that have completely redesigned and packed your panel deal with placards?

I am finishing an interior replacement and would like to consolidate and relocate some of the placards to less intrusive locations.

Thanks for your thoughts and expertise.


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