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PA-32R Starting Issue; Lycoming IO-540

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Mar 6, 2023
Reaction score
Wondering if others have had this issue. I have a SkyTec Starter Model Number 149-NL (12 volt system). It was installed in June, 2005 and has about 700 hours on it. Lately, and on a more frequent basis, when I go to start the engine, I just hear a "Click" with no movement of the starter. The clicking sound is coming from the starter solenoid, on the firewall. I replaced that part and the problem persists. The battery is new, fully charged and the lights in the cockpit do not significantly "dim" when the clicking sound is heard. Most of the time the problem "fixes" itself by just waiting 15-20 seconds and it starts fine. A year ago, it would happen 1 in 20-30 starts. Now more frequently (one in 10 starts). No correlation to hot or cold. I have been told if you rotate the Bendix on the starter, such that the armature in the starter rotates, that should "clear" the issue; my problem with that is I have an after-market "Howl Cowl" that takes a good 30 minutes to move enough to gain access to the Bendix. Replacing the Starter is likely next but wanted to see if others have similar issue. I am 100% certain the battery is fine (cranks the engine very well when the problem is not apparent), and I have a new starter solenoid.
Thank you for any thoughts.

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