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Intercom Static and Worsens with Higher RPM

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Dec 1, 2020
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I've searched the archives and while I found some similar issues, they aren't identical to mine. Hoping someone can help me out as I've tried everything I know.

I've got a Sigtronic SPA-4S intercom that was working fine one day and severe static the next. Here are the events that took place...
  • Fired up the engine and noticed some intermittent popping sounds in my headset when idling.
  • Didn't think too much about it but on run up, it became severely worse.
  • I told the tower I was cancelling the flight due to a radio issue...he said I was coming through clear on his end. (So that tells me it's strictly an intercom issue.)
  • Got it back to the hangar and checked every ground I could find but I couldn't find anything.
  • Next day pulled it out of the hangar and the static on run up was still there but not as bad...as soon as I applied full power and started rolling down the runway, static started again.
  • Landed and went back to hangar...checked different headsets in different jacks...nothing changed.
  • Popped every breaker available to try and isolate it but nothing changed.
  • Cranked it up the next day and quiet as could be on run up...no popping at all but as soon as I started down the runway, it became unbearable. Had to turn the intercom off.
  • Seems vibration may be causing it?
  • Talked with my A&P about it, he says it might be a mag issue but hard to know until he investigates
Has anyone ever experienced this before? Could it be the intercom system itself? Seems if it was mag related, it would affect the coms too? Maybe a bad ground that I can't find? I'm at a loss at this point.


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