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H3R Aviation - Here to Help!

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Jul 8, 2021
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H3R Aviation is excited to announce our sponsorship of Piper Forum! If you fly a Piper, it’s likely you likely own one of our extinguishers. We’re here to answer any questions about selecting a fire extinguisher or fire extinguisher use and maintenance. View our products here: Aircraft Fire Extinguishers | H3R Aviation
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I have notice an overall big decline in customer service & support for almost any industry. Maybe is the desire to encompass a bigger market/audience than resources.
Gents, the fellow appeared with a message noting his product, and offering to help with any questions. The only one posed, was can I get a discount. :)

* Orest
My question was how much he is selling his products for? Amazon, ebay are wonderful places that show their prices on merchandise for sale.
Is it safe to use a halon fire extinguisher in a small Piper cockpit during flight?
Well, having a fire in a cockpit is not a "safe" event, so the bar is a little lower!

I would use a halon extinguisher if there was open flame or copious smoke, or a even a smoky smell that did not abate with powering off.

I have three in the plane, one behind the kneeboard, and a smaller one in each of the rear seat pouches.

* Orest
Do you have any sales or discounts?
Hello Gustavo,

We saw your Saturday post regarding available discounts yesterday. Apologies for not getting to it until this morning.

We are proud to offer the highest quality extinguishers around (e.g. Compare the rechargeable, all metal A344T with the competition). In addition to the quality of our products, we try to differentiate ourselves from our competition through exceptional customer service (and we usually succeed!). Give us a call at 800-249-4289, press 1, and you'll always get a live person to speak to.

We do not typically offer discounts and we enforce a Minimum Advertised Price Policy with our distributors such as Aircraft Spruce (an excellent place to buy our products, by the way.). However, Piper Forum members can use the coupon code PIPER5 for 5% off on the A344T, which also qualifies for free UPS ground hazmat shipping. Here is the link: A344T - 1.25 lb. Halon 1211 Fire Extinguisher.

Hello Gustavo,

We saw your Saturday post regarding available discounts yesterday. Apologies for not getting to it until this morning.

We are proud to offer the highest quality extinguishers around (e.g. Compare the rechargeable, all metal A344T with the competition). In addition to the quality of our products, we try to differentiate ourselves from our competition through exceptional customer service (and we usually succeed!). Give us a call at 800-249-4289, press 1, and you'll always get a live person to speak to.

We do not typically offer discounts and we enforce a Minimum Advertised Price Policy with our distributors such as Aircraft Spruce (an excellent place to buy our products, by the way.). However, Piper Forum members can use the coupon code PIPER5 for 5% off on the A344T, which also qualifies for free UPS ground hazmat shipping. Here is the link: A344T - 1.25 lb. Halon 1211 Fire Extinguisher.

Ordered, thank you. -John

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