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Considering Hoerner wing & stabilator tips - real-world feedback?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2011
Reaction score
Hi all,

With my training finally approaching completion (checkride Tuesday - gulp) I'm getting ready to get the Cherokee (180 C) painted this winter as a reward for putting up with everything I've put her through. As part of that I'm planning to replace the stock wing & stabilator tips and would appreciate some feedback on the relative merits of the different tip styles.

I'm pretty much sold on Hoerner style tips for aesthetic reasons as much as the claimed performance improvements - the round tips never looked "right" to me. There seem to be two slightly different styles available: the first is the regular Hoerner-style tip, and the other is a Hoerner tip with an upswept trailing edge.
There isn't much of a price difference between the two, and both look pretty nice to my eye, so I was hoping someone could weigh in on the relative aerodynamic merits of the two designs, and maybe some real-world experience with them.

There only seems to be one style of modified stabilator tips and I've seen a lot of people on the internet singing their praises when it comes to low-speed stabilator authority, so I'm inclined to put those on as well (they seem to have the upswept trailing edge, so all things being equal that would decide the wingtip choice for aesthetic reasons).

I'm also open to other suggestions for mods (or maintenance items) that I should consider while the plane is disassembled for painting. I plan on having the plane actually weighed after the paint job, so I'd like to knock out some of the stuff that would affect W&B now rather than having the shop do math for it later.

Thanks in advance!

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