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Arrow IV Propeller

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Well-Known Member
May 5, 2015
Reaction score
After 44 years and four trips through the overhaul shop the original McCauley 2-blade prop on our NA '79 Arrow IV needs to be replaced, probably during the annual in January. We would love to replace it with a 2-blade Hartzell "scimitar" prop. It costs a couple thousand more that the original McCauley, but the killer is that it would also require a new spinner that would add another couple of thousand to the cost. That makes the price differential too much for us, given the minimal if any performance benefits of the scimitar. (Our current spinner is in perfect condition.) We have no interest at all in going to a 3-blade prop.

So, looking at compatible McCauley props it seems that we have two 2-blade options, both of which will work with our current spinner. The obvious one is the original model currently on the plane (B2D34C213/90DHA-16), with squared-off blade tips. The other is model 2D34C215/90DJA-14E, which has elliptical blade tips. The elliptical blades have a slightly greater diameter (76 inches vs. 74). In shopping around it appears that the two models are the same price, (which is considerably lower from a dealer than directly from McCauley). The original is currently in stock, both at McCauley and several distributors, but the lead time on the elliptical is short enough that we could easily get one in time for the annual. So the question is, which one should we buy? My co-owner is leaning towards the elliptical, but I'm not so sure. The slightly greater diameter means an inch less ground clearance and probably a bit greater noise at redline RPM. Does anyone on the forum have any experience with the elliptical blade model? One of the folks I spoke with at a prop shop said he has not seen many of the elliptical blade props on Arrows, I believe thay are fairly common on Mooneys. though, So I'm wondering if it was somebody's idea that didn't produce any tangible benefits. (It was approved for the Arrow IV via STC.) Ideas?

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