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Archer II door crack

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Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2016
Reaction score
Hi All,

I'm not trying to air club "dirty laundry" so I won't get into great detail, but I'm trying to determine what "should" have been the best way to address the following problem.

Seems at annual, our IA found a crack in the internal structure of our main cabin door, down where the lower hinge attaches. The IA was given approval (not by ME!) to purchase the lower part of this internal structure. He removed the door and took out all the rivets attaching the outer door skin to this piece. Only to find out the replacement part was an "almost fit" and he's been working for a month plus now to make all the parts fit back together with no end in sight. When it's all said and done, we'll have well over $5k in this repair given the not-quite-right part was $3K. Texas Air Salvage has a full door for $1600 plus shipping! The club officer who approved this repair said that "all salvaged doors have the same crack."

PA28s aren't falling from the sky due to this crack, and I don't see any ADs about this. My feeling is that the crack could have been stop drilled and a doubler attached and the whole thing would be hidden behind the upholstery anyway. My fear is that when we finally get the door back, it will never fit right and it'll look like Bonnie and Clyde's car door.



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