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Alternator vs Generator?

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Sep 27, 2023
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Wanting experienced opinions on whether I should switch to an alternator or keep the generator. Our plane is an early 1952 Tri-Pacer with the 125hp O-290D. Several of the older pilots have assured me that I will have to pick and choose what electrics/electronics I run and how many. In the August 2023 AOPA PILOT they reported on a staff member that flew a Tri-Pacer from out west to MD and was told along the way that he would have to choose between the radio and the landing lights as he couldn't have both on. Later the staff member said as he came into land everything shut off and he remembered the advice.

I've heard stories like this but the IA that does our annual says we should "be fine". To me marginal is not fine so should I pay the $$$ and upgrade? We do now have LED NAV and Landing Lights, original steam gauges. Radio is a VAL 760.

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