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43rd Annual Simsbury Fly-In, Car Show and Food Truck Festival- Sept. 24, 2023 – 8AM to 5PM – Simsbury Airport (4B9)

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Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2016
Reaction score
It's that time of the year. Hope you can join us!

43rd Annual Simsbury Fly-In, Car Show and Food Truck Festival

Sept. 24, 2023 – 8AM to 5PM – Simsbury Airport (4B9)

If you are concerned about people touching your airplane, then request East side grass parking. I (Phil) will be monitoring CTAF 122.7

The largest fly-in in the Northeastern USA, combined with a huge car show and a food truck festival. A country fair atmosphere with over 150 participating businesses, and lots of family-oriented activities. Live music, free seminars, judging and trophies, AT-6 and helo rides, firefighting demo, formation flying demo, drones, new airplane and car dealers, gyroplanes, and great things to eat. NOTE: FAA arrival procedures in effect. For complete information, see www.simsburyflyin.com.

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