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New Member N8411R - '66 PA-28 140

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Jan 14, 2025
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A few friends chipped in and bought this nearly original '66 Cherokee Cruiser back in '21. We immediately had to do an overhaul and extensive annual that took nearly 2 years but got er up and flying last February and man is it a fun little plane! Our group of 4 owners have had some fun XC's this year (separate trips, haha). CO > Arkansas for the eclipse, Idaho for some fishing, Illinois, NM and Texas. We are gearing up to redo the panel so I am glad I found this community. I am finding lots of good stuff in the forums. I think we have figured out the new equipment we will be installing (G5's, GMA430, 530w, TT31), but if you have advice for cutting a new panel, replacing fuses with breaker/bus, or any valuable lessons learned, I am all ears.

Stoked to be here!


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