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Arrow II Drivers....

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Sac Arrow

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
I will be putting some significant time in an Arrow II. I have boo coo hours in a TA III.

1. How critical is leaning? This one has the factory EGT with no real quantitative value indication. Procedure appears to be lean to a certain fuel flow in cruise and "adjust" with the EGT. Is there an EGT limitation to be aware of?

2. Power table in the checklist suggests that 25" at 2400 rpm is 75% cruise power at 5,000 feet. Is that accurate at lower elevations? Is it advisable to fly at 65% when 75% is possible to avoid frying the engine?

3. What are good power settings in the pattern and on decent to final? I'm used to going 20" on downwind, and 1,800 rpm on decent to final. This one has a 3 bladed prop, which I'm told acts different than a 2 blade prop. It seems to require more power than seems normal on a final decent.

4. Any other tricks and traps?

Otherwise, it flies pretty nice and seems to have a better climb gradient (at least at sea level) than the TA. It feels lighter and more responsive to the controls, much like a Cherokee 140 but with more power.

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